In the satellite map, lighter blue areas indicate raised areas of the sea floor. The lighter the blue, the more likely it is a seamount. In the multibeam map, the track that the ship mapped during the transit from APEI 7 is overlaid over the satellite map. Red indicates depths shallower than 3,000 meters and dark blue indicates depths greater than 5,000 meters.
Comparing Satellite and Multibeam
Image courtesy of the DeepCCZ expedition. Download larger version (jpg, 206 KB).

In the satellite map, lighter blue areas indicate raised areas of the sea floor. The lighter the blue, the more likely it is a seamount. In the multibeam map, the track that the ship mapped during the transit from APEI 7 is overlaid over the satellite map. Red indicates depths shallower than 3,000 meters and dark blue indicates depths greater than 5,000 meters.

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