This gallery is no longer being maintained. For images from more recent expeditions, please visit the new Image Gallery.
The earliest modern explorers included artists and photographers in their parties as an essential way to document their missions. Rich visual records capture expeditions in ways that even the most elegant words cannot. Present-day explorers continue this visual tradition aided by laptop computers, electronic cameras, videocassettes, and the Internet.
Each of NOAA's expeditions will offer a rich collection
of images. Some will provide video (),
podcast (
), slideshows (
or audio (
These pages capture some of the best, organized into the following theme areas.

Maps presents maps of exploration routes, bathymetry, undersea tracks of submersibles, satellite imagery, aerial photography and more.

Cultural Heritage provides glimpses of the shipwrecks, artifacts, and other cultural treasures that are the focus of several expeditions.

History provides a sampling of photographs, charts and drawings from the earliest ocean explorations of the United States.

Explorers places faces on the many names throughout this Web site. Here, we find our explorers on the job.