WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.543 --> 00:00:07.683 Wow. Chris Ma. Chris, could you tell us about this party of sea 2 00:00:07.683 --> 00:00:12.243 urchins? It's like some Victorian hat party, you know? 3 00:00:12.243 --> 00:00:17.023 I mean, there're just like all of these bao-shaped sea 4 00:00:17.023 --> 00:00:19.783 urchins and they're walking around the bottom of the seafloor 5 00:00:19.783 --> 00:00:26.623 fwith with these little Sargassum hats. A lot of them 6 00:00:26.623 --> 00:00:30.263 aggregate like this and this optimizes, you know, when they, 7 00:00:30.263 --> 00:00:33.823 when they reproduce, all of their gametes are emitted at a 8 00:00:33.823 --> 00:00:37.903 certain time of the year. I just kind of wonder if maybe 9 00:00:37.903 --> 00:00:43.843 there's some kind of pattern to the tracks. But there's very, 10 00:00:43.843 --> 00:00:48.283 surprisingly, very few images or video of these that the 11 00:00:48.283 --> 00:00:54.363 the public has seen, including myself. I mean, there is just 12 00:00:54.363 --> 00:00:59.283 so much about this that is magic.