With winds over 25 kts, ROV Deep Discoverer had to be recovered before we reached the seafloor on dive 6.

With winds over 25 kts, ROV Deep Discoverer had to be recovered before we reached the seafloor on dive 6. Image courtesy of NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Our Deepwater Backyard: Exploring Atlantic Canyons and Seamounts 2014. Download larger version (jpg, 1.1 MB).

Dive 06 - Asterias Seamount...Almost
September 26, 2014
38.9295 N, 65.3482 W, 2,202 meters
Access Dive Summary and ROV Data

Okeanos Explorer EX1404L3

Dive 06 - Asterias Seamount...Almost. Video courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. Download (mp4, 8.4 MB)

As far as we know, Asterias Seamount has never been explored, and unfortunately, it will remain so for a little longer. As we descended on the seamount, weather conditions took a turn for the worse. With wind speeds close to 25 knots and the vehicles just over half way to the seafloor, it was no longer safe for us to continue with remotely operated vehicle operations. Though our dive was short, we were able to collect some valuable information about life in the water column, one of the most unexplored sections of the ocean. Once the vehicles were secured on deck, we collected sonar data in the area of Atlantis and Panulirus Seamounts for the rest of the day.