To effectively explore the oceans, we need a good crew to safely navigate and drive the ship. Here’s three of our female crew members taking control at the helm. From left to right are NOAA Corps Officer LT Emily Rose, USCG Cadet Megan Toomey, and USCG Cadet Shelia Dutt. Megan and Shelia are between the junior and senior years at the Coast Guard Academy, they joined the ship for this expedition to gain hands on experience driving a large ocean-going vessel.
At the Helm
Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Tropical Exploration 2015. Download larger version (jpg, 1.1 MB).

To effectively explore the oceans, we need a good crew to safely navigate and drive the ship. Here’s three of our female crew members taking control at the helm. From left to right are NOAA Corps Officer LT Emily Rose, USCG Cadet Megan Toomey, and USCG Cadet Shelia Dutt. Megan and Shelia are between the junior and senior years at the Coast Guard Academy, they joined the ship for this expedition to gain hands on experience driving a large ocean-going vessel.

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