Rough seas break over the bow of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the transit back to Honolulu, HI.

Rough seas break over the bow of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the transit back to Honolulu, Hawaii. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2015 Hohonu Moana. Download larger version (jpg, 290 KB).

Transit to Honolulu
September 27, 2015

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer spent the last three days transiting back to Honolulu, Hawaii – a trip that should have only taken two days, lengthened by heavy seas. We collected mapping data for as long as the data was of good quality, but after awhile, the multibeam system and subbottom profiler were secured. We continued to run the EK60 throughout the transit, but the data was patchy. On-board personnel started to wrap up projects and began the process of demobilization.