WEBVTT 00:00:11.574 --> 00:00:14.900 The deep sea is a dark environment and it's a real surprise, I think, 00:00:15.100 --> 00:00:21.720 for anyone who's looking at it for the first time when you turn those lights on then suddenly "Whoa." It's a really colorful place. 00:00:25.821 --> 00:00:28.990 It's got reds and pinks and yellows and purples. 00:00:34.481 --> 00:00:39.180 It's a surprisingly beautiful place, especially when you think about how harsh that environment is. 00:00:39.380 --> 00:00:46.740 It's dark, it's high pressure, it's cold and yet it's got a true aesthetic beauty and that's one of the things I find really special about it. 00:00:46.940 --> 00:00:48.900 So I never get bored of looking at it. 00:00:57.475 --> 00:01:00.680 When we go and do these explorations, we bring our own light source with us. 00:01:00.880 --> 00:01:05.840 The ROV is equipped with a bank of lights that is shining white light onto our 00:01:06.040 --> 00:01:12.320 surroundings and so we then can detect the color that the animals living there don't see. 00:01:12.520 --> 00:01:26.790 So because we are visual animals, I think we interpret whenever we see color as having some important meaning. 00:01:26.990 --> 00:01:30.210 And that isn't necessarily the case in all situations. 00:01:36.151 --> 00:01:38.710 Animals don't necessarily want a particular color. 00:01:38.910 --> 00:01:43.110 They are made of particular molecules that absorb light in different ways 00:01:43.310 --> 00:01:50.050 and the wavelengths of light that they absorb leave only some wavelengths to be reflected back. 00:01:50.250 --> 00:01:54.170 And it's the reflection of what's left is the color that we perceive. 00:01:54.370 --> 00:01:58.310 In the deep sea, those colors may be a product of what they have eaten. 00:01:58.510 --> 00:02:05.280 They may have defensive functions, so many of them are associated with some kind of a toxin or a defensive metabolite. 00:02:05.480 --> 00:02:09.520 You think of sponges. We see some very colorful sponges in yellows and greens. 00:02:09.720 --> 00:02:17.510 Those chemicals that are giving that color may be the same chemicals that are making it distasteful to other animals. 00:02:17.710 --> 00:02:23.880 So there's a lot of reasons that an animal may have a pigment that gives it a color that 00:02:24.080 --> 00:02:26.730 have nothing to do with our visual perception of that color. 00:02:29.153 --> 00:02:33.280 So the other part of seeing color is what our eyes are able to detect. 00:02:33.480 --> 00:02:38.330 And our eyes aren't able to detect all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. 00:02:38.530 --> 00:02:43.000 We see from the reds and oranges and yellows to the greens, the blues, and the purples. 00:02:43.200 --> 00:02:48.220 We can't see in the longer wavelengths, infrareds, or the shorter wavelengths, the ultraviolets. 00:02:48.420 --> 00:02:53.280 However, there are some animals that are able to perceive those sorts of wavelengths and so 00:02:53.480 --> 00:02:56.390 they may have a totally different visual spectrum than we do. 00:03:01.140 --> 00:03:05.810 So the other end of the equation is because there's no light, a lot of the animals 00:03:06.010 --> 00:03:08.730 in the deep sea are actually sensing their environment in a different way. 00:03:08.930 --> 00:03:14.790 They're not using visual cues and so a lot of the animals that we see, you'll see they have these extremely long antennae 00:03:14.990 --> 00:03:20.590 or we've heard about the lateral lines that are on fish and these are able to detect motion in the water. 00:03:20.790 --> 00:03:25.450 We also have a lot of taste, basically, or smelling of the water and so there will be 00:03:25.650 --> 00:03:30.530 receptors that are on these antennae that can detect molecules. It's a form of scent. 00:03:38.300 --> 00:03:43.910 The answer is I don't know what the deep sea looks like to another deep sea animal, but wouldn't it be fascinating to know. 00:03:44.110 --> 00:03:49.130 Wouldn't it be fascinating to get into the head of that animal and try to see from its perspective? 00:03:49.330 --> 00:03:53.850 And is it just a dark environment that it's kind of feeling its way around and 00:03:54.050 --> 00:03:58.690 sniffing its way around or is it capable of seeing some minute bits of light from 00:03:58.890 --> 00:04:02.730 all these different organisms that are around it producing a little bit of bioluminescence. 00:04:02.930 --> 00:04:09.740 Or, who knows, maybe the brain works in a way that it can interpret all of the mechano-vibrations 00:04:09.940 --> 00:04:14.440 that are coming through the water column and maybe it can interpret that in a visual way. 00:04:14.640 --> 00:04:16.830 I don't know, but it would be fascinating to find out.