We saw this species of deep-sea sun star in Puerto Rican waters during the 2015 Océano Profundo expedition at a whopping 3,915 meters (2.4 miles).
Laetmaster spectabilis
Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Océano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico’s Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs. Download larger version (jpg, 1.6 MB).
Laetmaster spectabilis. We saw this species of deep-sea sun star in Puerto Rican waters during the 2015 Océano Profundo expedition at a whopping 3,915 meters (2.4 miles). The last time this species was seen was when it was first collected via trawl net in 1878 by the oceanographic research vessel USS Blake. It basically gave the 20th Century a hard pass!
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