WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:01.860 --> 00:00:09.320 Hey guys! What's up! I'm so excited to be here playing Subnautica: 00:00:09.320 --> 00:00:14.110 Below Zero with you guys and with some amazing scientists. 00:00:14.110 --> 00:00:18.260 I'm Cecilia D'Anastasio, I'm a writer with WIRED, I cover video games here. 00:00:18.260 --> 00:00:24.930 We have some incredible guests today who will be experts on the topic of the bottom of the 00:00:24.930 --> 00:00:31.960 ocean and everything that dwells there. Hi, Twitch. My name is Casey Machado. 00:00:31.960 --> 00:00:40.930 I am a research engineer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and my job is to design and operate 00:00:40.930 --> 00:00:44.470 robots to explore the most remote places in the ocean. 00:00:44.470 --> 00:00:51.850 And hi Twitch. My name is Mike White. I am an expedition coordinator with NOAA Ocean 00:00:51.850 --> 00:00:56.530 Exploration. We are coming to you live from the NOAA Ship 00:00:56.530 --> 00:01:01.680 Okeanos Explorer in the control room where we're about to set sail tomorrow on our 2021 00:01:01.680 --> 00:01:05.979 Technology Demonstration. I have a question for you guys. 00:01:05.979 --> 00:01:11.030 So, for me personally, I can not think of a single scarier thing than the bottom of 00:01:11.030 --> 00:01:16.680 the ocean because of lack of oxygen, constrained movement, 00:01:16.680 --> 00:01:28.690 I mean, sharks! Oh my god, sharks! Terrifying. How do you get over all of those fears to 00:01:28.690 --> 00:01:36.150 do science and to explore the ocean? Or were they just never fears for you? 00:01:36.150 --> 00:01:41.390 I don't think I was ever, I grew up in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, so I was always kind of 00:01:41.390 --> 00:01:47.799 at least at the shore or on the ocean. For me, I've never really, I've never really 00:01:47.799 --> 00:01:53.020 been too afraid of the ocean like in a grand scale. 00:01:53.020 --> 00:01:58.091 I guess the scariest thing for me is when you're like on the ship at night, and you 00:01:58.091 --> 00:02:01.160 walk out and there's absolutely nothing around you. 00:02:01.160 --> 00:02:04.420 And it's just a very sort of humbling, small feeling. 00:02:04.420 --> 00:02:09.619 But the scariest thing to me is if you go over the side of the ship, like for some crazy 00:02:09.619 --> 00:02:12.560 reason, which I've never heard of happening. Right. 00:02:12.560 --> 00:02:19.950 But there's always that visceral fear, like, no one would know you went over. You're just 00:02:19.950 --> 00:02:23.280 going to be in the water. You know, I'm picking up what you're putting 00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:25.560 down, Casey. Because I think about, a lot of what we do, 00:02:25.560 --> 00:02:27.880 Cecilia, we're not sending humans down that deep. 00:02:27.880 --> 00:02:31.470 I mean, of course that happens, right? I mean you talk about folks going to the Challenger 00:02:31.470 --> 00:02:36.830 Deep, right? James Cameron, I think it was Dr. Kathy Sullivan, was it, wasn't she the 00:02:36.830 --> 00:02:41.050 one who went down there? But, you know, you have folks that go down 00:02:41.050 --> 00:02:45.980 there in human occupied vehicles. For most of the science that we do in deep 00:02:45.980 --> 00:02:51.780 ocean exploration wise, in our office, we're actually using remotely operated vehicles. 00:02:51.780 --> 00:02:56.190 Which means the pilots are sitting here in our wonderfully air-conditioned control room. 00:02:56.190 --> 00:03:02.080 And we actually have fiber optic tether and electricity is flowing down to the vehicle 00:03:02.080 --> 00:03:05.730 and that's actually streaming all of the data back on to the ship. 00:03:05.730 --> 00:03:09.512 So, from a human standpoint, we're actually pretty removed from a lot of it. 00:03:09.512 --> 00:03:14.360 And that's a benefit of a remotely operated vehicle or say an autonomous vehicle, right, 00:03:14.360 --> 00:03:18.340 like the Orpheus lander. It doesn't put you in harms way at those depths. 00:03:18.340 --> 00:03:23.069 And I also want to add that sharks aren't scary. They are wonderful creatures. 00:03:23.069 --> 00:03:27.340 What?! Sharks aren't scary? Mucus is good? You are 00:03:27.340 --> 00:03:29.989 turning my world upside down.