Seen at a depth of at 825 meters (2,707 feet), this cluster of small, spiky sponges in the family Cladorhizidae was imaged living on dead coral rubble that was prevalent on the seafloor near the beginning of Dive 14 of Windows to the Deep 2021. Cladorhizids are carnivorous sponges that prey on animals such as small crustaceans.
Small, Spiky Sponges
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Windows to the Deep 2021.
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Seen at a depth of at 825 meters (2,707 feet), this cluster of small, spiky sponges in the family Cladorhizidae was imaged living on dead coral rubble that was prevalent on the seafloor near the beginning of Dive 14 of Windows to the Deep 2021. Cladorhizids are carnivorous sponges that prey on animals such as small crustaceans.