This brisingid sea star (Astrocles sp.), seen during the fifth Seascape Alaska 3 dive at a depth of 2,803 meters (1.74 miles), is a new record for the Aleutian area of Alaska. These sea stars have been recorded in other areas of Alaska back as far as 1888, but this is the first in situ imagery captured in this area to date.
Brisingid Sea Star
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Seascape Alaska. Download larger version (jpg, 1.7 MB).

This brisingid sea star (Astrocles sp.), seen during the fifth Seascape Alaska 3 dive at a depth of 2,803 meters (1.74 miles), is a new record for the Aleutian area of Alaska. These sea stars have been recorded in other areas of Alaska back as far as 1888, but this is the first in situ imagery captured in this area to date.