Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer makes its way across a sediment plain at the beginning of Seascape Alaska 3 Dive 05 at a depth of approximately 2,800 meters (1.74 miles). The seafloor during this part of the dive contained a large number of biogenic burrows and mounds, indicating active life within the sediment.
Deep Discoverer
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Seascape Alaska. Download larger version (jpg, 569 KB).

Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer makes its way across a sediment plain at the beginning of Seascape Alaska 3 Dive 05 at a depth of approximately 2,800 meters (1.74 miles). The seafloor during this part of the dive contained a large number of biogenic burrows and mounds, indicating active life within the sediment.