The past and present of ocean exploration. (Left) The HMS Challenger was a late 1800’s research vessel that made many of the discoveries that laid the foundation for ocean science. (Right) Engineer Christina Ramirez affixes Seaglider’s antenna which will allow the glider to communicate with her and other scientists on-shore.
The Past and Present of Ocean Exploration
Left image courtesy of NOAA Photo Library; right image courtesy of Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders. Download largest version (jpg, 3.3 MB).

The past and present of ocean exploration. (Left) The HMS Challenger was a late 1800’s research vessel that made many of the discoveries that laid the foundation for ocean science. (Right) Engineer Christina Ramirez affixes Seaglider’s antenna which will allow the glider to communicate with her and other scientists on-shore.

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