As the Seaglider is lined up alongside the boat, captain Eric Boget and engineer Christina Ramirez work together to lasso the vehicle before it drifts away. Weighing over 57 kilograms (125 pounds), Seagliders require teamwork for safe handling. In order to retrieve this glider, Eric and Christina must snag their lassos around the wings, attach the glider to a crane, and lift it onto the deck where it can be stowed for the long journey back to shore.
Seaglider Recovery is a Team Sport
Image courtesy of Coordinated Simultaneous Physical-Biological Sampling Using ADCP-Equipped Ocean Gliders. Download largest version (jpg, 975 KB).

As the Seaglider is lined up alongside the boat, captain Eric Boget and engineer Christina Ramirez work together to lasso the vehicle before it drifts away. Weighing over 57 kilograms (125 pounds), Seagliders require teamwork for safe handling. In order to retrieve this glider, Eric and Christina must snag their lassos around the wings, attach the glider to a crane, and lift it onto the deck where it can be stowed for the long journey back to shore.