ASPIRE Campaign: May 11, 2023


ASPIRE was a major multi-year, multi-national collaborative ocean exploration field program focused on raising collective knowledge and understanding of the North Atlantic Ocean. The campaign provides data to inform and support research planning and management decisions in the region. Building on the successes of the 2012-2013 Atlantic Canyons Undersea Mapping Expeditions (ACUMEN), NOAA’s ASPIRE campaign broadened the geographic focus to include more of the U.S. Atlantic and the high seas, and the scope of partnerships to include other U.S. Federal agencies as well as international partners from the European Union and Canada.

The ASPIRE campaign provides a foundation of publicly accessible baseline data to increase understanding of the North Atlantic Ocean and critical information relevant to emerging blue economy priorities, including sustainable fisheries, offshore energy and marine minerals, coastal and offshore hazards, and marine tourism and recreation.


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Video courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration.