Grant Overview:
NOAA Ocean Exploration and the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation have a long history of working collaboratively to support ocean education. Since 2003 they have leveraged the public-private partnership to enhance America’s environmental literacy through the development of educational materials and educator professional development offerings that bring exciting deep-sea phenomena into the classroom to increase students’ understanding of our ocean planet.
In 2021, the two established the Ocean Odyssey Grants to expand the reach of ocean education by funding ocean education and workforce development initiatives that are equitable, inclusive, and accessible to all. The overarching goal is to support a future ocean workforce that is more representative of U.S. demographics by funding projects that minimize barriers to entry and increase retention of diverse learners from communities historically marginalized from ocean science and exploration industries. In 2023, the Foundation expanded the Ocean Odyssey Grant portfolio to support DEIJA priorities in additional NOAA mission areas, including Marine Debris. To date, Ocean Odyssey Grants have supported 4,764 K12 students, 207 college students, and 1,028 educators with ocean education and workforce development opportunities.
Read about the Ocean Odyssey grants and previously funded projects!
Objective: The Ocean Odyssey Grants are investments in projects and partners that are leading efforts to increase inclusion in and/or access to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and workforce development opportunities for diverse youth in middle school, high school, undergraduate, and/or community college to learn about ocean science and/or exploration.
Applicants must clearly demonstrate how their proposed project will directly or indirectly:
Deepen student understanding of the ocean and Great Lakes
Increase awareness of ocean science and exploration careers
Advance STEM skills applicable to ocean science
Available Funding: The Foundation anticipates funding 12-15 projects with awards between $5,000 - $10,000.
Eligibility: Funding is available for schools, districts, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, for profit institutions, local, and state entities from the United States, territories, and Freely Associated States supporting diverse students in these regions.
Implementation Period: Projects must be completed between December 2024 and July 31, 2025.
Application Packages Due: September 30, 2024, by 11:59 PM EDT